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    Russia has everything necessary for the successful treatment of pathologies of the ear, throat, nose, as well as neck and head.
    Ear or throat diseases can turn into a serious problem for human health, so it is impossible to delay treatment in any case.
    The clinic we work with offers highly qualified assistance in the field of otorhinolaryngology, psychoneurology and correctional and pedagogical assistance.
    • A full range of studies of the state of hearing, nasal breathing function, speech and voice;
    • Using of modern medical technologies;
    • A new approach to comprehensive rehabilitation;
    • Productive methods of surgical treatment of diseases of ENT organs;
    • Advanced plastic surgery, including restoration of the auricles and treatment of snoring.

    Range of services:

    • Consultations;
    • Diagnostics;
    • Research of logopedic, audiological, phonopedic plan;
    • Barotherapy;
    • Reflexology;
    • Psychotherapy;
    • Physiotherapy treatment.
    As well as the staff of the center carry out high-tech surgical interventions on the organs of the ear, throat, nose:
    • Microsurgical operations on the middle and inner ear (cochlear implants, bone VAN system, middle ear Vibrant system;
    • Tympanoplasty of all types, including reconstruction of the sound-conducting circuit with titanium prostheses of total, partial and angular types);
    • Video endoscopic interventions in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses;
    • Operations on the trachea and larynx with restoration of phonation and respiration function;
    • Pharyngeal surgery;
    • Plastic surgery, including the restoration of silicone prostheses of the auricles and the treatment of

    We guarantee you:

    • High-quality treatment in a conscientious clinic with highly qualified staff and modern equipment;
    • No extra charges for medical services. Payment for them is made directly to the clinic's cash desk;
    • The organization of a course of treatment with an indication of the cost, timing, individual characteristics of the medical tour;
    • Organization of transfers, accommodation, excursions and 24/7 support.
    We are happy to help you! Leave a request, we will advise you in detail and help you to undergo treatment at the otolaryngology center with all the amenities.

    In Russia, much attention is paid to the treatment of oncology, as well as the diagnosis and early detection of malignant neoplasms.

    Range of services:

    • Diagnosis and screening of oncological diseases in the early stages.

      • Modern equipment is used for diagnostics, which allows you to quickly establish a diagnosis even in difficult cases.
      • Positron emission tomography (PET) is used as part of the diagnosis. The highly effective method makes it possible to determine the position of malignant neoplasms with surprisingly high accuracy.
    • Treatment of oncological diseases.

      1. Surgical methods.
      2. Radiation therapy.
      3. Chemotherapy.
      4. Additional methods of treatment:
    • Molecular biological research;
    • Virological research;
    • Immunological studies;
    • Drug therapy.

    Treatment of eye diseases and restoration of vision in the best clinics in Russia.

    Treatment of eye diseases, restoration of vision, eye examinations, vision check with the help of modern diagnostic methods – and this is not the whole list of possible services that are available to you. In Russia, contrary to the stereotypical opinion, medicine is developed, including ophthalmology. The best ophthalmologists of the country, technically equipped with modern equipment centers, friendly professional staff and affordable prices – ophthalmology in Russia is a worthy alternative to eye treatment in expensive European clinics.

    Range of available services:

    • Laser vision correction by various methods (Super Lasic, Lasic, FRK); Cataract Treatment;
    • Cataract Treatment;
    • Computer vision diagnostics;
    • Pediatric Ophthalmology;
    • Strabismus treatment;
    • Lens Replacement;
    • Treatment of pterygium;
    • Treatment of retinal pathologies;
    • Treatment of eyelid pathology;
    • Eyelid Detachment Surgery;
    • Treatment of astigmatism with TORIC IOL;
    • Treatment of glaucoma;
    • Vitreoretinal surgery;
    • YAG-laser dissection of filmy cataracts;
    • Lens reposition with anterior vitrectomy;
    • Optical coherence tomography (OTC);
    • Intravitrial treatment;
    • We will listen carefully to your wishes;
    • We will select the appropriate clinic for the treatment of vision and a qualified specialist;
    • We will inform you about the cost of treatment/ diagnosis;
    • We will meet;
    • We will help you adapt;
    • We will solve the issue of housing and transport;
    • We organize leisure activities if necessary (excursions, walks around the city, touching the culture of the Russian people, tasting folk dishes, etc.);
    • We will provide round-the-clock support for the duration of treatment;
    • We will arrange a transfer to the airport/train station.

    Comfortable conditions have been created in Russia for in vitro fertilization (IVF), pregnancy and

    Why do I need to do IVF in Russia?

    Advantages of medical centers in Moscow:

    • Modern equipment – the centers specialize exclusively in maternity problems and are equipped with high- tech equipment for laboratory and genetic research;
    • Professionalism of doctors – all staff has a certificate of completion of the training course on the basis of the Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Moscow Academy of Medical Sciences;
    • Preparation before IVF, if necessary, by medication or surgery;
    • Diagnosis of male infertility;
    • The use of various IVF methods in order to achieve results;
    • The possibility of the client's stay in the hospital after successful fertilization, as well as childbirth.

    How IVF is carried out in Russia – all the details from A to Z

    So, you have come to Moscow for artificial insemination. Before your arrival, you made an appointment at the medical center. The procedure is as follows:
    • Consultation of a reproductologist, execution of a contract for the provision of medical services, payment at the cash desk of the center;
    • Examination (blood test, ultrasound);
    • Repeated consultation of a reproductologist taking into account the results of the examination;
    • The beginning of the stimulation protocol is a visit to a reproductologist;
    • Ultrasound monitoring after four to five days;
    • Oocyte sampling after 8-10 days of stimulation;
    • Embryo transfer;
    • Blood test on the 14th day after embryo transfer. Determination of the onset of pregnancy. Expert advice, recommendations.
    First, several specialists conduct additional examinations with a couple wishing to acquire a new family member. In the presence of diseases, infectious or inflammatory, they must be cured before IVF.

    A full IVF cycle takes several weeks.

    The first stage is ovulation stimulation.

    The second stage is ovarian puncture for egg collection.

    After fertilization, two weeks of maintenance therapy follow, the effect of which is aimed at increasing the chances of embryo engraftment. After two weeks of therapy, the doctor performs a pregnancy diagnosis. If pregnancy has not occurred, the client is offered to undergo a second IVF course after several months.

    Who can undergo IVF in Russia:

    A patient wishing to perform artificial insemination must meet a number of conditions:

    • Age from 18 to 45 years. After 45, there is a small chance to undergo IVF – this is decided individually. Often patients are refused because of the low chances of embryo engraftment;
    • Official marriage.

    Indications for IVF.

    There are many reasons for female infertility. These may be hormonal disorders, the consequences of inflammation of the appendages, operations on the uterus.
    IVF will help to have a baby in the case of male infertility. Both spermatozoa of the spouse and material from the state sperm bank can be used.
    Doctors may refuse to perform IVF if the chances of a favorable outcome are insignificant or there are other reasons. This happens when a woman is ill of:
    • Diabetes mellitus;
    • Epilepsy;
    • Mental illness;
    • Benign or malignant tumors in the reproductive organs;
    • Hypertension.

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