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    Pregnancy and childbirth is one of the most important events in the life of any woman who has decided to become a mother. And a woman can only entrust childbirth to an experienced professional, a doctor who is able to minimize all unpleasant feelings for her and the baby, will help the child to be born healthy and ensure a quick recovery of the young mother's body.

    The clinics with which we cooperate have all the necessary "properties" for trust:

    • Experienced staff, doctors of the highest qualification categor;
    • High degree of technical equipment with modern medical equipment;
    • Own laboratory that allows you to quickly get the results of tests;
    • Friendly atmosphere and sincere desire of doctors to help;
    • Pleasant prices for services.
    Especially for you, we will select a good clinic, arrange a transfer, book coupons to the necessary doctors, if necessary, solve the housing issue, provide 24/7 round-the-clock support and surround you with sincere care and attention!

    Moscow gynecologists are successfully developing their industry step by step, increasing the number of healthy, cheerful women who have left gynecological problems behind.
    The branch of "women's medicine" in Russia is very developed and corresponds to the level of European clinics. Modern equipment, professional doctors (doctors and candidates of medical sciences), attentive attitude and long–term experience of the staff - this is the basis of the quality of gynecology in Russia.

    Types of services provided:

    • Treatment of uterine fibroids;
    • Hysteroresectoscopy;
    • Infertility treatment;
    • Cervical treatment;
    • Treatment of menopause;
    • Treatment of endometrial polyps;
    • Treatment of cervical polyps;
    • Hysteroscopy;
    • Laparoscopic sacrovaginopexy;
    • Consultation of a gynecologist;
    • Gynecological diagnostics.
    All the questions that arise like "Where to settle?", "How to book a ticket to the doctor?", "Which gynecological clinic in Moscow to choose?", "How to get to the clinic?", "How much will it cost?" we take it upon ourselves.
    Upon arrival in Moscow, we will meet you, take you to the hotel, competently plan your stay in the Russian capital and will always be in touch with you 24/7.

    The basis of successful plastic surgery is the professionalism of a plastic surgeon and a technically equipped operating room.
    Surgeons are interested in improving their skills, so they do their best for this: they undergo internships in Western European countries, adopt the experience of the world's leading plastic surgeons and introduce the latest techniques into their practice.
    We cooperate with the best clinics and doctors with extensive experience and positive feedback from customers. Plastic surgery in Moscow is the key to a beautiful appearance and a new life.

    Types of plastic surgery

    In Russia, customers from foreign countries actively use the services:

    • Lip shape augmentation and correction;
    • Contouring of the chin;
    • Plastics of the nasolacrimal furrow (bags under the eyes);
    • Correction of nasolabial folds;
    • Plastic surgery of the cheekbones;
    • Nose plasty;
    • Intimate plastic surgery;
    • Facial contouring;
    • Hand plastics;
    • Wrinkle Removal (Radiess);
    • Thread lifting (facelift without surgery);
    • Breast augmentation, reduction and lifting;
    • Lipoxactions;
    • Tummy tuck.

    Features of Russian plastic Surgery:

    Operational interventions in Moscow are carried out either under local or under general anesthesia, depending on the type of operation and the individual characteristics of the client. Anesthesia is done taking into account the following requirements:
    • An anesthesiologist's work together with a nurse;
    • Use of disposable spiral syringes;
    • Use of equipment for anesthesia and monitoring of the cardiovascular system;
    • Use of only certified modern medicines.
    Plastic surgery allows not only to form an aesthetically attractive appearance, but also to restore the functions of certain organs and body parts.
    We will find you the best clinic and plastic surgeon in Moscow, book tickets to the doctor and find accommodation.

    Rehabilitation after COVID-19

    According to the World Health Organization, one in ten recovered from COVID-19 reports complications
    from various organs and systems (publication of the European Observatory on Health Systems and
    Policies dated 25/02/2021).
    A new coronavirus infection, occurring even in mild form, takes a lot of energy from the body, oxygen
    deficiency negatively affects all vital human systems and organs, disrupting their normal functioning.

    The most common symptoms that worry those who have had a coronavirus infection:

    • pronounced weakness;
    • shortness of breath;
    • interruptions in the work of the heart;
    • heaviness in the chest;
    • feeling of incomplete inhalation;
    • increased anxiety;
    • memory degradation;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Rehabilitation after a coronavirus infection is carried out in four key areas:

    • cardiology;
    • pulmonology;
    • neurology.
    The success of rehabilitation treatment is ensured by a team of highly qualified specialists in physical
    and rehabilitation medicine.gastroenterology.

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