Structural and restorative dentistry
Depending on the clinical situation, taking into account the wishes of the patient, the dentist determines the indications for the choice of treatment method. If until recently, prosthetics with a ceramic-based bridge prosthesis was considered the main method, today the method of choice can also be the manufacture of an orthopedic structure on an implant or an adhesive bridge prosthesis. Moreover, the latter can be modeled by a dentist-therapist in one visit.
Modern technologies in therapeutic dentistry allow us to model restorations that are an alternative to more complex and expensive orthopedic structures, which in some cases require significant preparation of teeth or surgical intervention on the alveolar ridge. Adhesive reinforcing fibers provide sufficient stability of AMP, and photo-cured composite materials meet the aesthetic requirements of the patient.
If necessary, special pink polymers can be used to simulate the gingival edge. It should be remembered that the use of advanced methods and materials requires a high level of competence, professionalism, skills and manual skills from a dentist working in the field of aesthetic dentistry.